Kejutan, Rossa Tampil Sebagai Tamu Spesial Super Show 7S dan Bernyanyi Bersama Yesung dan Ryeowook
Korean Area, Jakarta – Konser Super Show 7S Indonesia berhasil digelar dengan meriah di ICE BSD, Tangerang pada Sabtu 15 Juni. Rasa rindu ELF Indonesia berhasil terobati dengan penampilan Super Junior yang menghibur.
Rossa Mengucapkan Syukur Berhasil Mempertahankan Gelar Sebagai Penyanyi Solo Wanita Paling Ngetop
Wartakota Tribun News – Penyanyi Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani (40) atau biasa dikenal Rossa terus menorehkan prestasi di industri musik Indonesia. Terbaru, Ocha –sapaan akrab Rossa– mencatatkan prestasinya sebagai Penyanyi Solo Wanita Paling Ngetop di malam penganugerahan SCTV Music Awards 2019, Jumat (26/4/2019) malam.
SCTV Music Awards 2019: Rossa Menang Penyanyi Solo Wanita Paling Ngetop Usai Kalahkan BCL cs
WowKeren – Ajang penghargaan SCTV Music Awards 2019 telah digelar secara meriah pada Jumat (26/4) malam. Dalam acara penghargaan bergengsi bagi insan musik tersebut, Rossa berhasil memenangkan kategori Penyanyi Solo Wanita Paling Ngetop.
Dapat Penghargaan di SCTV Music Awards 2019, Rossa Anggap Kado 22 Tahun Berkarya, Jakarta – Rossa berhasil menyabet penghargaan sebagai Penyanyi Solo Wanita Paling Ngetop di SCTV Music Award 2019. Pelantun Ayat Ayat Cinta itu berhasil menyingkirkan tiga pesaingnya Bunga Citra Lestari, Isyana Saraswati, dan Maudy Ayunda.
Rossa Dapat Penghargaan Perempuan Berprestasi di Bidang Seni dan Budaya – Penyanyi Rossa menerima penganugerahan Perempuan Berprestasi di Bidang Seni dan Budaya dari Dewan Pimpinan Pusat – Perhimpunan Perempuan Lintas Profesi Indonesia (DPP PPLIPI) pada Rabu (24/5) malam, di Hotel Mulia, Jakarta Selatan.
K-Pop heavyweight Super Junior to collaborate with Indonesian singer Rossa!
New Straits Time – KUALA LUMPUR: It looks like the K-Pop music genre will be making an even bigger impact in Indonesia as artistes from both South Korea and the Republic will be working more closely together in the near future. According to Koreaboo today, Netizens were hyped by the recent news that long-standing K-Pop group Super Junior will be collaborating with top Indonesian pop singer Datuk Seri Rossa.
Netizens Still Can’t Believe Super Junior Will Be Collaborating With Top Indonesian Singer Rossa
Koreanboo – Netizens still can’t believe that Super Junior will be collaborating with Indonesian icon Rossa but everyone is incredibly excited! On February 21, representatives from SM Entertainment including Lee Soo Man met with the president of Trans Media and the chairman of CT Corp in Jakarta to establish their new partnership with the company.
Rossa, Super Junior To Collaborate For New Single
The Jakarta Post – Indonesian singer Rossa will collaborate with South Korean group Super Junior for their first project under a partnership between SM Entertainment and PT Trans Media Corpora.
On Sept. 2018, PT Trans Media Corpora, part of Indonesian business tycoon Chairul Tanjung’s CT Corp., signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with South Korea-based SM Entertainment.
SM Announces Collab Between Super Junior And Indonesian Singer Rossa + Establishes Joint Venture With CT Corp
Sommpi – Asia : SM Entertainment (SM) is joining hands with CT Corp and entering the Indonesian market.
On February 21, SM announced its plan to establish a joint venture with Trans Media, a comprehensive media company under CT Corp, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. CT Corp is a business group leading the media, finance, and retail sectors in Indonesia. Through their joint venture, they will focus on four areas including entertainment and content production, comprehensive advertising, lifestyle business, and digital business.